Friday, March 15, 2013

masculine and feminine

The following are pictures from my second project on masculine and feminine.  I scanned all of these and some of the ones that I include are going to be backwards (you can tell because words are backwards lol).  Just try to imagine them as if they were in a mirror and completely flipped :)

Some of the pictures included were presented in class but after scanning the negatives, I found some that I liked better from that roll of film :)

Now posting some pics from my first project!

I didn't post all the ones that were in my actual project because I didn't end up scanning them all.  But these ones are pretty good and also include some of my negatives that I scanned.  I really like the one of the door and the tree that accidentally scanned incorrectly.  But it looks cool because it still has the tree and the door just from two different pictures :)  Funny how things work out sometimes.

Monday, March 11, 2013

   It's finally finals time.  Ugh things are getting crazy and crazy busy.  I know we are supposed to be blogging more than I have.  I was planning on putting up a post with my scanned pictures that we did throughout the film portion of the class but I am having serious problems with the scanner.  I guess I waited too long between Roddy teaching us how to use it and then actually using it myself.  Hopefully he'll be able to help me with it tomorrow after we present out new (final) projects.

Things to come:
scanned negatives
First project about aperture and shutter speed
Second project on Masculine and Feminine