So last week in class we watched a film on Tierney Gearon. I enjoyed the film, it had a lot of heart and emotion in it because of her project on her mom. I thought most of her pictures were wonderful, especially some of her mother. To live that life with a mother that is sick like she was, it must be hard. But her relationship with her mother and the relationship that she allowed her children to have with their grandmother I thought was beautiful. I remember one time in the film Tierney talked about her father not thinking it was a good idea for her to allow her kids to spend so much time with her mom. I feel like it has to help her mother is some ways. As much as the project was therapy to Tierney, having people around that love her and care for her and visit her often must help Tierney's mother through the troubles she has.
As far as Tierney's work goes, I thoroughly enjoyed the pictures that she took of her mother. I thought some of them told great stories and held so much emotion and were just beautiful photographs. The photographs they first showed, however, that produced such scandal when displayed I thought were a bit disturbing too. Some of the masks that she had the kids wear were just a bit creepy to me. I feel like the nudity was the part most people focused on and that didn't bother me too much. A lot of artists work with nude models and stuff. Yes these models were mostly her kids of she didn't mean anything by it, it was innocent. The masks however were a bit dark to me. But like I think I would say for any artist, I respect the vision they have. Early in the film, Tierney said something about how most people think she doesn't know what she's doing when she's messing around with her film camera but she really does. And I really admire the ability to learn photography and master it the way she has.
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